Shalonda Menefee | New Normal 4 Now (NNN)

Message from the Designer, Shalonda Menefee

I am a creative, healer/designer/artist and entrepreneur and I give a lot of thought and intention into any project I embark on or decide to do. In all that I create I infuse my items with care, love, light, healing and protective, energy. I want my  products and services to give you the much needed protection and high vibrational frequency that you need to feel protected, empowered, confident and free.

I knew going into this-once I agreed, it was going to be more than just making mask.

Wearing these protective masks is our new normal 4 now and will be for quite some time, so why not make it fashionable-coordinate. Well, I did just that. I made a matching mask to go with my headwrap and posted it on Facebook and many of you loved it and asked if I was making them. As a result, I decided to deliver what you asked for.

The New Normal 4 Now is just another extension of what I do. This is another way to create an atmosphere of healing and empowerment through product/services and fashion. Making the mask is just an addition to my clothing line and accessories for now. It continues the movement of self-empowerment, self-expression, connection to our culture and roots through fashion while wearing the CDC’s recommended daily protective masks creating accessories to match.   

The New Normal 4 Now Limited Collection is meant to provide a stylish tribal/African inspired print protective face mask with matching accessories for those of us who are a bit resistant to wearing a mask as it takes away from our individuality, removing our way of communicating through our smile and facial expression. NNN Masks allows you to express your unique individual style in a time of what seems like uniformity. 

Although these are not N95 mask, the reusable handmade cloth mask is now recommended as a protective barrier to help prevent catching or spreading COVID19.  These masks are multipurpose and can be used as a protective mask in cold weather, to prevent breathing in pollen and air pollutants, during biking, walking or hiking etc. Shop for face mask here.

Another thing I wanted to mention that I intentionally used the number 4 instead of the word “for” because the number 4 is very significant for us especially during this time as it is a number that represents “being”. It is explained in many astrological or spiritual references that the number 4 is the number that connects mind-body-spirit with the physical world of structure and organization.

According to an article on Gostica website,

“the number 4 symbolizes the safety and security of home, the need for stability and strength on a solid foundation of values and beliefs.”

With the stay at home orders, working from home, homeschooling, feeling a bit isolated in some way, I believe this is what this global pandemic is forcing us to realize that we need to improve our personal stability, foundation, values and beliefs now and infuse the energy of the number 4.

“The spiritual nature of number 4 calls in the need for having or creating a sacred space and sanctuary in your home, a place to meditate and build your innermost foundation of strength and being.” (

This is something we all need during this time. Everything I do has to have a spiritual, healing intention that will assist your journey.

And because you inquired about the mask and headwrap set I heard you and making it available.  

May the NNN masks and accessories inspire, heal, protect, and provide you the energy, resilience and perseverance you need to get through this global pandemic.

Peace Blessings and Prosperity,

Be Well,

Shalonda Menefee  


Oregon small businesses that took an economic hit from COVID-19 are fighting back, armed with determination, innovation and a willingness to adapt to market demand.

When COVID-19 sent Oregon's economy tumbling, small businesses — especially those owned by people of color — took a hard hit.

Small business owners, however, are a determined and dedicated bunch. As the reality of the situation began to sink in, they jumped into action to find ways to adjust their business models and shift their products and services in order to continue to serve customers and keep revenue flowing.

More than a few of those small businesses have found new niche in what has become, for many people, a must have accessory — face masks. Some business owners, however, are meeting that new market of demand with more flair than others. Read more here.

Artist, coach, and entrepreneur Shalonda Menefee cannot be easily confined to a single label. This community leader makes sure to channel her energy into many productive and inspiring avenues any chance she gets. “I consider myself a creative “healing artist,”’ she explains. “I’m a certified Sacred Woman Practitioner, energy worker, empowerment coach, clothing designer, mystic and artist. I’m trying to find a name that encapsulates all of who I am as there really is no label for what I do,” she laughs. Read more here.